
Why Now Is A Good Time To Apply To Law School

Ryan Calo
Publication Date: 
November 24, 2013
Publication Type: 
Other Writing

Cross-posted from Forbes.

Fewer people are applying to law school.  They worry there will be no job waiting for them on the other side.  And, indeed, some recent graduates are having a terrible time of it.  Often, though, you see an increase in applications during economic slumps as students wait out the bad job market.  Something, perhaps the beating law schools have been taking in the court of public opinion of late, is scaring folks off. Read more about Why Now Is A Good Time To Apply To Law School


Lauren Gelman
Publication Date: 
March 11, 2009
Publication Type: 
Other Writing

Packets is production of the Stanford Center for Internet & Society (CIS). It is written by members of the Stanford Law and Technology Association (SLATA), and edited by CIS staff, fellows and volunteer attorneys. Our purpose is to provide the legal community with a concise description of recently decided cyberlaw-related cases, and where possible, to point to the original decisions.

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