
Reining in AI? The E.U. Act

Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is the craze. From pet shop owners to Fortune 500 companies, AI is being used to farm data and analyze facial gestures of consumers. But concerns are growing. The U.S. Surgeon General, for instance, has suggested a warning label be affixed to social media -- which often uses AI. As a result, the E.U. recently passed an Act regulating AI. The Act was adopted on March 21, 2024. Read more about Reining in AI? The E.U. Act

It's Groundhog Day at the European Commission

For the past two years, the European Commission has been pushing to radically change the internet and telecommunications market in the EU in order to benefit Europe’s largest telecom companies at the expense of innovation, net neutrality, and low broadband prices.

The policy prescriptions have continually included: Read more about It's Groundhog Day at the European Commission

Harmful 5G Fast Lanes Are Coming. The FCC Needs to Stop Them

The FCC is set to vote on April 25 to restore its authority over the companies we pay to get online, and reinstate federal net neutrality protections that were jettisoned by the Trump administration in 2017. 

Net neutrality protections are supposed to ensure that we, not the internet service providers (ISPs) we pay to get online, get to decide what we do online. Read more about Harmful 5G Fast Lanes Are Coming. The FCC Needs to Stop Them


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