Blog Posts: Filtered

It's Groundhog Day at the European Commission

For the past two years, the European Commission has been pushing to radically change the internet and telecommunications market in the EU in order to benefit Europe’s largest telecom companies at the expense of innovation, net neutrality, and low broadband prices.

The policy prescriptions have continually included: Read more about It's Groundhog Day at the European Commission

Harmful 5G Fast Lanes Are Coming. The FCC Needs to Stop Them

The FCC is set to vote on April 25 to restore its authority over the companies we pay to get online, and reinstate federal net neutrality protections that were jettisoned by the Trump administration in 2017. 

Net neutrality protections are supposed to ensure that we, not the internet service providers (ISPs) we pay to get online, get to decide what we do online. Read more about Harmful 5G Fast Lanes Are Coming. The FCC Needs to Stop Them

How to Strengthen the FCC’s Proposed Net Neutrality Protections by Closing Loopholes and Matching the 2015 Open Internet Order

The Federal Communications Commission is looking to restore net neutrality for all Americans. The FCC published its proposal, a so-called Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), in October 2023. The comments period ended in mid-January. A vote is expected in late April. Read more about How to Strengthen the FCC’s Proposed Net Neutrality Protections by Closing Loopholes and Matching the 2015 Open Internet Order

FCC starts process to bring back common sense net neutrality protections and broadband oversight

On Thursday, the FCC Commission voted 3-2 to adopt a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking asking for comments on the FCC’s plan to restore net neutrality.

Here’s my statement:

“I’m pleased that the FCC started the process to bring back net neutrality for all Americans and restore its oversight over the companies we pay to get online.  Read more about FCC starts process to bring back common sense net neutrality protections and broadband oversight

Yes, Telefonica, Forcing Apps to Pay ISPs Violates Net Neutrality

The European Commission is evaluating a proposal by Europe’s largest telecoms to force websites and apps to pay broadband companies like Telefonica, Orange, and Deutsche Telekom. This dangerous proposal would require companies like Twitch, YouTube, Netflix and more to pay every broadband provider in Europe, ostensibly to help fund the build out of faster networks in the EU. Read more about Yes, Telefonica, Forcing Apps to Pay ISPs Violates Net Neutrality

Here’s How the European Commission Proposal to Force Websites to Pay ISPs Violates Net Neutrality

In a frontal assault on net neutrality, the European Commission wants to force websites and apps to pay fees to broadband companies like Telefonica, Orange and Deutsche Telekom, and it just closed its call for comments on the proposal.

Network fees like this have never existed in the EU. They violate the EU's net neutrality law, and, if put in place, would be a radical departure from how the internet has operated and flourished over the last 30 years.  Read more about Here’s How the European Commission Proposal to Force Websites to Pay ISPs Violates Net Neutrality

European Commission proposal to force websites to pay ISPs violates net neutrality, harms Europeans, and solves no problems: Prof. Barbara van Schewick Filing

The European Commission is evaluating a proposal by the largest telecoms in Europe to force websites and apps to pay broadband companies like Telefonica, Orange, and Deutsche Telekom. This dangerous proposal would require companies like Twitch, YouTube, Netflix and more to negotiate with and pay every broadband provider in Europe. Read more about European Commission proposal to force websites to pay ISPs violates net neutrality, harms Europeans, and solves no problems: Prof. Barbara van Schewick Filing
