Privacy cases slated for U.S. Supreme Court's new term

Lecturer Ryan Calo is quoted in the following article by Declan McCullagh of Privacy Inc. on what should be considered a "privacy harm."

When police in the District of Columbia decided to use an automobile GPS bug to surreptitiously track the movements of Antoine Jones, a suspected cocaine dealer, they set in motion a legal challenge that will end before the U.S. Supreme Court.

The court's fall term, which begins today, includes a review of Jones' attempt to overturn his conviction. His attorneys argue that such precise turn-by-turn tracking requires a search warrant signed by a judge--a step that D.C. police chose not to take.


"I'm not sure whether the court will go so far as to include mental and emotional damages in the definition," says Ryan Calo, director of Stanford University's Center for Internet and Society. "I think they should." (Calo has written an essay arguing for a limited expansion of the concept of privacy harm.)