New Year, New Job

Happy new year, Friends. It is starting out to be a great 2012 for me. I've taken a position as General Counsel for Worldstar LLC and its flagship website (WSHH), voted top hip hop and urban culture website two years running by BET. In addition to the website, Worldstar operates a talent agency, video production company, dating site and is growing rapidly. They were a client of mine at ZwillGen PLLC, so I'm honored and thrilled to come on board full time.

Additionally, my new position allows me to continue work on the internet freedom and privacy issues so important to me: electronic surveillance, government privacy, computer security, coder's rights and free speech .

So if you want to reach me, for WSHH matters or for any digital civil liberties issue, here's my new contact information.

Jennifer Stisa Granick
Worldstar LLC General Counsel
Attorney at Law
350 Townsend Street, Ste. 612
San Francisco, CA 94107
tel 415-684-8111
fax 630-733-7653 or 424-298-8589
granick _at_ worldstarhiphop dot com
granicklaw _at_ granick dot com
personal twitter @granick
official worldstar twitter @worldstar

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