Find the women bloggers at BlogHer

I will be speaking at BlogHerCon again this year. This time at a workshop described like this on their website.

So you have this crazy idea: You want to start a community-based blog site, but aren't sure where to start. Susannah Gardner & Lauren Gelman are among those who will help you examine what's out there, define what you can do differently, and create a plan to develop content, promote your efforts and watch your back.

I think Blogher was the best conference I went to last year for a few reasons. First, it had at least 50% participants who had never been to a conference before. So they had real life experience with the technology and weren't just commentators on it. Second-- and this follows on the first reason-- the panelists were mostly people who I had never heard speak before, and on subjects not usually discussed. So I felt like I gained something new from each discussion (though sometimes this aspect was a negative, there are reasons why some speakers are frequently invited back-- they're really good-- and some newbies weren't as seasoned). And finally, it was a conference full of women talking about technology, not talking about women's issues. There were men there, but men tend to fight harder to get their $.02 in, while when the room is filled with mostly women, we are better about making sure all voices get heard.

Lisa Stone also did an excellent job with the relaunch of the BlogHer site. It looks to be the definitive resource for finding women bloggers online and learning what they are up to. Check it out.

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