Stanford CIS

Rudy Giuliani is Trump’s cybersecurity adviser. He might want a refresher

By Henry Farrell on

n 2017, Rudolph W. Giuliani was named as a cybersecurity adviser to President Trump. This was widely seen as a consolation prize. Giuliani had been in charge of a cybersecurity firm but had reportedly wanted to become secretary of state. More recently Giuliani has come to play a central part in Trump’s legal team, and has also acted as a public advocate battling on behalf of Trump across a wide variety of media. In the latter role, Giuliani has just made a claim that suggests he doesn’t have a very clear understanding of how Twitter and the Internet work.

Giuliani accused Twitter of being biased against conservatives

The trouble started when Giuliani wrote a tweet defending Trump against the investigation by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.

The tweet — which is still available at the time of writing — has a weblink highlighted in blue. This link leads to a website stating simply that “Donald Trump is a traitor to our country.” Obviously, Giuliani, who has consistently defended Trump against such accusations, didn’t intend this link to appear in his post. He has now accused Twitter of blatant anti-Trump bias.

Read the full piece at The Washington Post.