The Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School is a leader in the study of the law and policy around the Internet and other emerging technologies.
We are about to see whether the largest and most powerful telecom in Europe, Deutsche Telekom (DT), can force websites and apps to pay so-called “network fe…
Comments submitted to the BEREC Consultation on the Draft BEREC Report on the IP Interconnection Ecosystem.
I welcome the opportunity to submit comments to the…
For the past two years, the European Commission has been pushing to radically change the internet and telecommunications market in the EU in order to benefit Eu…
Net neutrality expert and Stanford Law Professor Barbara van Schewick warns in a blog post that the next step for DT is to specifically punish Meta by slowing a…
We are about to see whether the largest and most powerful telecom in Europe, Deutsche Telekom (DT), can force websites and apps to pay so-called “network fe…
Comments submitted to the BEREC Consultation on the Draft BEREC Report on the IP Interconnection Ecosystem.
I welcome the opportunity to submit comments to the…
For the past two years, the European Commission has been pushing to radically change the internet and telecommunications market in the EU in order to benefit Eu…
Response to the European Commission’s White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”
Even though it’s summer, it appears to be Groundhog Da…
One media outlet conceded that the sky didn’t fall following repeal of the regulation, but argued that this was because Net Neutrality never really left, since…
Net neutrality is the idea that the internet should be treated as a utility, meaning that internet service providers (ISPs) should have to treat all data fairly…
“It is no secret that OTT [over the top] Players consume humongous amounts of bandwidth, which puts tremendous pressure on the network infrastructure establishe…
Before the Biden FCC restored net neutrality, there was concern that the new net neutrality rules weren’t as tough as the ones discarded by the Trump administra…
This comes after proponents of net neutrality, like Stanford Law Professor Barbara Van Schewick and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), had called out the…
Some experts expressed doubts that network slicing was really going to be used by telcos in the way net neutrality advocates feared, but the final text appears…
On Tuesday, the FCC released the final text of the 2024 Open Internet Order, which the commission voted to adopt on April 25.
Here’s my statement and initial a…