Stanford CIS

Repealing Net Neutrality Could Kill Indie Porn


"Ryan Singel, Media and Strategy Fellow at Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society, explained that on a neutral net, service providers function as common carriers, meaning they can’t refuse or prioritize access to certain sites (so long as what’s on them is legal). ISPs have long sought to extract more money from highly trafficked sites. Repealing net neutrality would allow them to impose access fees: tolls sites and hosting platforms would pay to ensure entry into the internet’s fast lane, where videos load and downloads don’t take days. Small sites that can’t pay could see their content blocked or placed in an internet slow lane. “Larger sites that have more clout [will be able to] negotiate lower rates, or even just bulk rates,” Singel explained. “With a small porn site, you don’t have any leverage over an ISP.”"