When Toasters Attack: A Polycentric Approach to Enhancing the ‘Security of Things’
Scott Shackelford Indiana University - Kelley School of Business - Department of Business Law; Stanford Law School; Hoover Institution, Stanford University; Ce…
Scott Shackelford Indiana University - Kelley School of Business - Department of Business Law; Stanford Law School; Hoover Institution, Stanford University; Ce…
"As sensors – a common category of IoT devices – become embedded in larger systems, such as cars, liability of the manufacturers looms larger, says Andrea…
"Andrea Matwyshyn, professor of Law at Northeastern University and Microsoft Visiting Professor at Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy, sa…
"Washington policymakers also face a learning curve. Those seeking to protect consumers’ security and privacy when it comes to the Internet of Things must…
"The Internet of Things promises to thrust into the spotlight an issue of liability that software makers have managed to avoid, according to Jennifer Grani…
"Besides favoring limits on how much data the gadgets sweep up and retain, they want users of the devices to control what's collected about them, who e…
"Andrew Bridges, a partner and Internet law litigator and policy analyst at Fenwick & West LLP, said, “All sectors of society and the economy will feel…
"Yet security researchers who, in an attempt to be helpful, discover vulnerabilities and tell companies about them can face lawsuits or even criminal prose…
Last week, a new group called the Industrial Internet Consortium—made up of several technology companies including AT&T, Cisco, GE, IBM, Intel and interesti…