Stanford CIS

Intellectual Property


“Everything. I record everything.”

This quote belongs to Robin Bienfait, RIM’s Chief Information Office (CIO). RIM makes the BlackBerries, and the title line of this post recites Ms. Bienfait’s a…


Paper Abstract: Ontology of Information

I’ve just put the abstract of a new paper on my SSRN page. Temporary title is: Ontology of Information and its Lessons for Intellectual Property. The full abstr…


Is there a 102(b) in your 401(k)?

Let me clarify:  '102(b)' refer to a portion the US statute for patentability of inventions, and '401(k)' refers to the ubiquitous retirement ac…


It’s not the technology, stupid

I had an AHAAA moment last night reading Martha Woodmansee’s „ The Author, Art, and the Market”. She writes „As my sketch of writers’ struggles suggests, eighte…