"Smart Cities" is a euphemism for the creation of a digital infrastructure at all levels of government and in public spaces for the collection and processing of large amounts of data derived from sensors, cameras, interaction of people with their environment, and the creation of applications and services for the purported benefit of residents. The privacy implications of all of this data collection seldom are foremost in the acquisition or deployment of "smart" technologies. Fundamental privacy questions remain unanswered such as what notice residents should have for data collection from or about them, what choices to opt out exist, what remedies against governmental entities exist for denizens whose data is lost, exposed or misused, and whether with what other entities and under what terms data can be shared. Shouldn't sensors and data collection for smart cities be designed in the first instance to protect individuals' privacy interests even in the face of technology that benefits the common good?
CIS is exploring these questions and more. Working with Stanford's Digital Cities program and other scholars and experts, CIS will continue to raise questions and explore privacy solutions for the interconnected world.