Stanford CIS

My So-Called Enemy

By Documentary Film Program on

Some have lost friends and family members. All bear the psychological and emotional scars of living in a war zone. In July 2002, 22 Palestinian, Israeli and Palestinian Israeli teenage girls traveled to the United States to participate in a women's leadership program called Building Bridges for Peace. "My So-Called Enemy" is the story of 6 of the girls and how the transformative experience of knowing their "enemies" as human beings meets with the realities of their lives at home in the Middle East over the next 7 years. While,"My So-Called Enemy" speaks to the humanity and complexities of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in every frame, it is also a coming of age story that transcends the conflict. It's about the power of individual narratives to open hearts and minds, challenge long-held pre-conceptions, and create the space for dialogue, with the goal of creating more just societies here and abroad.