Reining in AI? The E.U. Act
Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is the craze. From pet shop owners to Fortune 500 companies, AI is being used to farm data and analyze facial gestur…
Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is the craze. From pet shop owners to Fortune 500 companies, AI is being used to farm data and analyze facial gestur…
This post takes up the questions of how copyright law may impact the development and commercialization of Artificial Intelligence ("AI") tools, g…
Introduction Where’s Waldo LLC (“Waldo”), your U.K. based digital advertising company, just got funded. Wonderful news! But it also just received a notice from…
Imagine you just purchased a painting from Sotheby’s called Portrait of Edmond Belamy (“Portrait”) for $432,500. Portrait was AI-generated. Your neighbor Jim ta…
(with Olexandr Bulayenko) On the basis of the analysis of norms, cases and practices in the EU and 12+1 selected Member States (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Fran…
NOTE: This is an expanded version of an older post. I’ve added seven additional studies since the original version, most recently with the help of Max Levy. Th…
The so-called 'Right to Repair' is a consumer grassroots initiative that seeks to allow technology users and consumers the ability to repair, modify, or…
Laws regulating platforms can also regulate their users. Some laws may protect users, as privacy laws often do. Others, including many well-intentioned regulati…
Laws regulating platforms can also regulate their users. Some laws may protect users, as privacy laws often do. Others, including many well-intentioned regulati…
(with Christophe Geiger) This study highlights how the fundamental rights framework should inform the liability regime of platforms foreseen in secondary EU la…
The architecture of the Internet is changing. A novel expansive construction of communication and making available to the public has been shaking the Internet e…
(Oxford University Press, edited by Giancarlo Frosio) The theoretical—and market—background against which the intermediary liability debate developed has chang…