Stanford CIS

Hearsay Culture Update

By David Levine on

I am working on the Hearsay Culture schedule into the Spring and am very excited about the guests that I'm lining up.  I'll be posting a schedule, hopefully by mid-January.  The current schedule of future guests is here.

Meanwhile, the Palo Alto Daily News had a nice article about the 60th anniversary of KZSU-FM, the wonderful station whose equipment I use and that airs Hearsay Culture.  Ben Levitt, KZSU's program director, nicely summarized Hearsay Culture as a tech show for "non-nerdy non-lawyers."  While I welcome both nerds and lawyers -- I am certainly at least one of those, and many would consider me both -- I am hopeful that the show also attracts many who do not live tech or law, but merely want to learn.  To that end, I thank Ben for his description and all at KZSU-FM for their support of the show!  Happy anniversary!

Finally, my regular update on the Hearsay Culture website: now that I may have figured out a major hindrance, look for a live site soon.  Revised ETA: end of January.  Maybe sooner, but I've said that before . . . .

Meanwhile, I hope that you continue to enjoy the show, whether you listen live or by podcast!