Stanford CIS
Larry Downes

Larry Downes

Recent articles


The Criminalization of E-Personation

I was interviewed yesterday for the local Fox affiliate on Cal. SB 1411, which criminalizes online impersonations (or “e-personation”) under certain circumstanc…


The First National Broadband Plan

Over the weekend, I published an op-ed in The Des Moines Register encouraging the FCC to heed the lessons of the first national broadband plan, the one Secretar…


ECPA and the Law of Disruption

I write in “The Laws of Disruption” of the risk of unintended consequences that regulators run in legislating emerging technologies.  Because the pace of change…


Google v Everyone

I had a long interview this morning with the Christian Science Monitor .  Like many of the interviews I’ve had this year, the subject was Google.    At the incr…


The Under and Overhyping of HTC v. Apple

I'm quoted briefly in a story today in E-Commerce Times (see “Apple’s Patent Attack: This Too May be Overhyped” by Erika Morphy) about the patent lawsuit fi…


Amazon Marketplace: Liability in the Cloud?

I don’t usually blog “personal” stories, but this one is irresistible.  It raises disturbing questions at the border of digital and physical life, and legal pro…