Stanford CIS
Larry Downes

Larry Downes

Recent articles


One Cheer for Patent Trolls

"On the whole, the results certainly seem to suggest that patent trolls with software patents do very much view the system as a lottery ticket, and they…


Paul Allen: Patent Troll or Patent Savior?

I  don’t have a great deal to add to coverage of last week’s big patent  story, which concerned the filing of a complaint by Microsoft co-founder  Paul Allen ag…


The Imponderable Privacy Problem, Again

Emotions ran high at this week’s Privacy Identity and Innovation conference in Seattle.  They usually do when the topic of privacy and technology  is raised, an…


After the cyberlaw deluge, another deluge

If I ever had any hope of “keeping  up” with developments in the regulation of information technology—or  even the nine specific areas I explored in The Laws of…