Stanford CIS

United States Intervention at the Meeting of the ICC’s Assembly of States Parties

By Beth Van Schaack on

The International Criminal Court’s Assembly of States Parties (ASP) is meeting this week in The Hague — its 14th session. On the agenda (and here) are a number of issues, some going to the core of the Court’s work others more in the nature of administrative necessities, including:

  1. State cooperation (Friday), based upon 66 recommendations by the Bureau
  2. Complementarity (today)
  3. Increasing the efficiency of the Court (Tuesday)
  4. The adoption of the 2016 budget (being sought in the range of €139 million (a 7% increase from 2015)) and several elections, including for the board of the Trust Fund for Victims
  5. The annual promulgation of an omnibus resolution
  6. Potential amendments

In terms of side events, participants will discuss:

  1. Strengthening financial investigations at the ICC (hosted by Liechtenstein)
  2. A number of events on victims’ rights, including an important new study of victims’ participation by the Berkeley Human Rights Center
  3. Palestine and the ICC (Palestine and several NGOs, including the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI))
  4. Civil society fact finding (Philippines & OSJI)
  5. Fair trial process (Kenya)
  6. Africa and the ICC (co-hosted by Botswana)
  7. A number of events on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV)
  8. Towards activating the aggression amendments, which with Georgia’s ratificationnow have 26 ratifications (Liechtenstein)
  9. Activating the Independent Oversight Mechanism in the Rome Statute (Kenya)
  10. A number of events on the ongoing catastrophe in Syria

Read the full post at Just Security.