Stanford CIS

Key U.S. Foreign Policy Positions—including Ambassador for War Crimes—Saved from Getting Axed

By Beth Van Schaack on

Just Security recently broke the story that the State Department was considering shuttering or downgrading certain functional offices and Senate-confirmed ambassadorships within the Department.  An outpouring of support for many these offices, and particularly the Office of Global Criminal Justice, ensued in the press and elsewhere. Last night, a letter from Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson to Senator Bob Corker, Chair of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, was posted setting forth certain structural changes in this arena. Of special note, the following position are retained:

Although these positions will be retained within the Under Secretariat for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights (J) and will continue to be Senate confirmed, the letter does not expressly indicate whether the Offices themselves (and their associated budgets) will remain intact.  The language preceding this announcement, however, indicates that “the Department also informs the Committees that the Department does not intend at this time to make any organizational changes to the following offices,” which implies no structural changes either, which would be welcome.  No mention is made of the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, which was reputedly at risk. Presumably, it too will remain intact within the J Under-Secretariat.

Other bureaucratic re-organizations/downgrades include the following:

The letter also indicates that certain envoys and special representatives (many of whom were administratively created) will be either eliminated or consolidated/integrated into the relevant functional or regional bureau. The letter hints to some of the criticism that has surrounded these special positions: that they create redundancies, contribute to bureaucratic bloating, or circumvent the ordinary diplomatic processes. Some of the positions to be retired include the U.S. Special Envoy for the Closure of the Guantanamo Detention Facility, whose responsibilities will escheat to the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA). Likewise, two positions dedicated to the environment–the Special Envoy for Climate Change and for the Arctic Region–will be eliminated and their functions assumed by the Bureau of Oceans and International and Scientific Affairs (OES). The functions and staff of several country envoys will revert to the relevant regional bureau. For example, the African special envoys–for the Great Lakes Region and the Sudans–will be eliminated. Their functions will be assumed by the Bureau of African Affairs (AF). Likewise, the work of the Special Representative for Burma will be assumed by the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (EAP), that of the Libya and Syria special positions by the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA), and that of Afghanistan and Pakistan by the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs (SCA).

Read the full post at Just Security.