Stanford CIS

Trai first regulator in world to focus on differential pricing: Barbara van Schewick


"Barbara van Schewick is the director of the Stanford Law School's Center for Internet and Society. Her research and papers on network neutrality shaped the US Federal Communications Commission's work and rulings on the issue. In a Skype interview with Kim Arora, she spoke about the latest Trai decision and net neutrality around the world.

How would you compare the TRAI ruling in India with net neutrality legislations elsewhere in the world?

Regulators around the world are looking at how to deal with zero-rating right now. Trai is the first regulator to focus exclusively on issues of differential pricing and exempting applications from data caps. As a result, they could come up with a holistic approach to these practices. Part of the reason why we have seen other regulators in the US or the EU adopt case-by-case decisions is that they were thinking of the many aspects of net neutrality at once. They focused on rules for blocking and technical discrimination. When they got to zero-rating, they basically ran out of time and (decided to) deal with it case by case.

But India would have to look at those other issues later too.

Yes. The net neutrality regime is incomplete if it only addresses economic forms of discrimination like zero rating, or only technical forms of discrimination. The simple insight at the core of net neutrality is that we do not want companies that connect us to the internet to control what happens on the internet. If you only ban one practice and not the others, you haven't really protected the open internet. What's great about the Indian decision is that it provides a full set of rules for different types of zero rating. These give certainty to the market.

Do you think the Trai decision makes a clear enough distinction between differential and discriminatory treatment of data services?

The Trai decision is more nuanced than that. It bans harmful forms of price differentiation but allows forms that do not create concerns. The practices banned by the regulation are zero rating for a fee. I think that is a right decision because allowing application providers to pay to be zero-rated is to allow them to pay to get a competitive advantage. That will change the internet as we know it. On the internet, low costs have allowed a large number of people to develop new applications and become entrepreneurs. That's the first big practice banned by the rules. The second is any kind of differential pricing or exemption from bandwidth caps based on content or type of content. So that applies to programs where an ISP zerorates a few applications and a class of similar applications. Third category is where an ISP says my zero rating-program is open to all providers in a certain category and there is no fee..."