Stanford CIS

T-Mobile’s Binge On Violates Net Neutrality? Read Full Report by Barbara van Schewick


"It is a topic for debate whether T-Mobile’s Binge On violates they key principle of Net neutrality. A report was submitted by Barbara van Schewick on 29 January 2015 by arguing that Binge On violates key net neutrality principles. By violating the key net neutrality principles, Binge On is likely to violate general conduct rule released by FCC.

For those who are unaware about Binge On, it is a service offered by T-Mobile which allows their customers to stream unlimited amount of Music and videos with the offers made by Hulu and Netflix. While streaming such contents, they are not changing for normal data rates or not getting deducted from data balance. Means, they can surf with Binge On for free and they get charged for using other services like YouTube. Schewick reported that this is against FCC rules"