Stanford CIS

Surveillance threatens U.S. business climate, democracy, say Stanford researchers


""We are no longer seen as a safe business climate," said Aleecia M. McDonald, director of privacy at Stanford's Center for Internet and Society."

"Jonathan Mayer, a doctoral student in computer science and Cybersecurity Fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation, said that the law is still evolving in our highly digital world – and right now, it does not go far enough in safeguarding privacy."

"Richard Forno, a junior affiliate scholar with the Center for Internet and Society, warns that mass surveillance can create conformity in social thought and interactions. "If a person believes they are constantly being watched, they will, over time, conform to what they think those watching them will deem as 'expected' norms of conduct and communication," he said."

Published in: Press , mass surveillance , NSA , Privacy