Newly revived lawsuit could reveal secrets of NSA surveillance program
"Not only will it likely reveal more about the secret NSA surveillance program, but it could also potentially end such surveillance, explained Jennifer Gra…
"Not only will it likely reveal more about the secret NSA surveillance program, but it could also potentially end such surveillance, explained Jennifer Gra…
Computers around the world are suffering an attack from malicious software. The compromised computers have been hit by “ransomware” — software that encrypts the…
"“This is a more focused policy by the NSA. It aims to restrict upstream collection to only those communications that directly involve a foreign intelligen…
A group of hackers called the Shadow Brokers has just released a new dump of data from the National Security Agency. This is plausibly the most extensive and im…
"Some people writing on intelligence and surveillance note that close working relations such as this can allow intelligence agencies to evade domestic cont…
In his daily press briefing yesterday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer repeated a claim that President Barack Obama had used British spies to surveil Pr…
"The former PCAP member who did respond, Stanford privacy scholar Omer Tene, told The Intercept that he was unaware of “any specific relationship, agreemen…
"Riana Pfefferkorn, a legal researcher and attorney at Stanford University, told Ars: With there being a fair number of cases out there that have taken a…
Arguing that the information publicly available on the NSA's Upstream program, combined with an understanding of how the Internet works, means plaintiff Wik…
Last week, we argued that the public discussion surrounding two of the government’s most controversial mass surveillance programs – PRISM and Upstream – has not…
The legal authority behind the controversial PRISM and Upstream surveillance programs used by the NSA to collect large swaths of private communications from lea…
This post is the latest installment of our “Monday Reflections” feature, in which a different Just Security editor examines the big stories from the previous we…