Stanford CIS

Network Fees Could Splinter The Internet: Stanford Law Professor Barbara Van Schewick Responds To TRAI’s Consultation On OTT Regulation


Van Schewick is a professor of law at Stanford Law School. Her submission to TRAI focused on pointing out how network usage fees violate the principles of net neutrality.

“Mandating such fees would be a radical departure from how the internet has operated and flourished over the last 30 years. Network fees are a threat to the internet in India and, if enacted, would set a precedent that could lead to a splintering of the internet across the globe,” Barbara van Schewick in her submission to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s consultation on the regulation and selective banning of OTT (over the top) communication services.

Van Schewick is a professor of law at Stanford Law School. She has testified before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and advised policymakers on net neutrality issues. Her submission to TRAI focused on pointing out how network usage fees violate the principles of net neutrality.