Stanford CIS

Europe's net neutrality guidelines seen as a victory for the open web


"Net neutrality advocates welcomed BEREC's guidelines as a milestone for the open internet in Europe. "Europe is now a global standard-setter in the defense of the open, competitive and neutral internet," Joe McNamee, executive director of the Brussels-based organization European Digital Rights (EDRi), said in a statement. Net neutrality activist Thomas Lohninger, of, described the tougher guidelines as "a triumph for the European digital rights movement."

"After a very long battle, and with the support of half a million people, the principles that make the internet an open platform for change, freedom and prosperity are upheld in the EU," Lohninger said in a statement.

In response, world wide web creator Sir Tim Berners-Lee, together with law professors Barbara van Schewick and Larry Lessig, published an open letter calling on European regulators to "save the open internet.""