Stanford CIS

Europe Becomes a Battleground Over Huawei and 5G


"Thomas Lohninger, executive director of, a Vienna-based digital rights group, said it is necessary for all the companies building 5G networks to be heavily scrutinized and held to the highest standards.

“We need to trust the technology that we use every day,” he said in a telephone interview.

“It is good that we are having this debate [on Huawei], but we are having it in a too narrow way,” he said. “To have that debate solely in the midst of a U.S.-China trade war is futile.”

Lohninger said that instead of focusing criticism on Huawei, Europeans need to be “asking the right questions” of all technology companies.

“It is certainly good to question the security from China and from the U.S.,” he said. “None of them should get a blank check.”"