Stanford CIS

Another Push to Break Encryption + Collecting DNA at the Border? + Saudi Activist Says Twitter Was Infiltrated


"Perhaps the most obvious path to expanding law enforcement access to encrypted products is legislation. Riana Pfefferkorn, associate director of surveillance and cybersecurity for Stanford Law School, said the legislation would have to cover a fairly broad range of industries, depending on if it was centered on unlocking encryption for devices, such as cell phones, or platforms, such as messaging apps. One piece of legislation that could be revived is 2016’s Compliance With Court Orders bill drafted by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Richard Burr (R-NC), which required companies to comply with court orders asking to decrypt user data. The proposal was never assigned an official bill number after the security community “laughed it out the room,” Pfefferkorn said. However, she has been hearing rumblings that the Senate Judiciary Committee might take this issue up again. “Sen. Feinsten is on Judiciary, so we might see some efforts by her to try to reintroduce her bill,” she said."

Published in: Press , Backdoor , encryption , Cybersecurity