Should You Be Allowed to Prevent Drones From Flying Over Your Property?
NO: It Is the Way to Kill Innovation By Ryan Calo The year is 1910. Orville and Wilbur Wright are testing their plane and happen to fly hundreds of feet over…
NO: It Is the Way to Kill Innovation By Ryan Calo The year is 1910. Orville and Wilbur Wright are testing their plane and happen to fly hundreds of feet over…
"All of which begs the question, is this that big a deal? “We need to figure out what kind of danger drones actually prose,” says Ryan Calo, who specialize…
""If you're looking for an economically-efficient way to deliver packages, you'd be better off using a bicycle," said Ryan Calo, an assis…
I have been asked by Science & Film to review the realism of EYE IN THE in terms of the new technologies we see deployed in the film. Most of the technologi…
"“What happens with any new technology is that we deploy them, and don’t lock them down properly until things go wrong,” says Ryan Calo, an assistant profe…
""I am not sure why Utah believes it has the authority to allow local law enforcement to ‘neutralize’ a technology, which the FAA characterizes as an…
"“Now that there is so much interest and money in drones, everyone wants to get their say” said Ryan Calo, an assistant professor of law at the University…
"Some argue the agency has the legal authority to address the privacy issues raised by drones. But the agency “does not consider privacy to be their role o…
Happy New Year! And there’s already so much going on. We’re keeping it close to home today, to start 2016. As close as the sky above us. The Federal Aviation Ad…
"Even non-lethal autonomous robots raise serious ethical question. As technology philosopher Peter Asaro told me in an email earlier this year, Google’s se…
""Right now they're focusing on how to protect people and airplanes," Ryan Calo, drone expert and law professor at the University of Washingt…
"There are two possible lines for making the determination, Ryan Calo, a law professor at the University of Washington, suggested to The Huffington Post: w…