Warrant Workshop
In 2019 CIS is hosting its first-ever Warrant Workshop, a judicial training program specially designed for magistrate judges confronting new surveillance techno…
In 2019 CIS is hosting its first-ever Warrant Workshop, a judicial training program specially designed for magistrate judges confronting new surveillance techno…
"Smart Cities" is a euphemism for the creation of a digital infrastructure at all levels of government and in public spaces for the collection and pro…
Transparency has always been essential to the rule of law and the legitimacy of our court system. But government secrecy has grown dramatically over the last fe…
Encryption helps human rights workers, activists, journalists, financial institutions, innovative businesses, and governments protect the confidentiality, integ…
Encryption helps human rights workers, activists, journalists, financial institutions, innovative businesses, and governments protect the confidentiality, integ…
The World Intermediary Liability Map (WILMap) is an online resource informing the public about evolving Internet regulation affecting freedom of expression and…
The Cookie Clearinghouse provides information for users to make choices about online privacy. The Cookie Clearinghouse publishes free-to-use information for web…
Understanding how the law will and should apply to driverless cars---explicitly lawful in at least one state---presents an urgent challenge. The Legal Aspects o…
The Notice by Design program applies human‐computer interaction research and experimentation to consumer problems such as online privacy. This widely-discussed…
The Fair Use Project (FUP) was founded in 2006 to provide legal support to a range of projects designed to clarify, and extend, the boundaries of fair use in or…
The Documentary Film Program provides filmmakers with information about fair use, access to insurance for liability arising out of copyright litigation, and acc…
Privicons is a simple approach to expressing how you want your email to be treated by the recipient. Do you want it [X]kept secret? Or do you want the informati…