Co-Hosted by the Stanford Law and Technology Association and Stanford CIS. Watch video from this talk. Marc Rotenberg is President and Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Washington, DC, and a former counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee. EPIC focuses public attention on emerging privacy and civil liberties issues. EPIC routinely files amicus briefs in federal and state courts, testifies before Congress, participates in agency rule makings, and conducts extensive Freedom of Information Act litigation. In the last several months, EPIC settled FOIA cases favorably in EPIC v. CIA (surveillance of mosques), EPIC v. DHS and EPIC v. TSA (airport body scanners), EPIC v. Dept. of Ed (student privacy), and EPIC v. ODNI (Privacy Act compliance).Earlier this summer EPIC filed a petition with the US Supreme Court challenging the NSA's telephone record collection program. Legal scholars and former members of the Church Committee have filed several amicus briefs in support of In re EPIC, urging the Court to hear the case. The Court is scheduled to consider the EPIC petition at the November 15 conference.
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