Stanford CIS

Bloomberg Law: AZ Phone Privacy and Facebook Terror

By Andrea Matwyshyn on

Lance Rogers, a legal editor for Bloomberg BNA, discusses why The Arizona Supreme Court just ruled that a man didn’t lose his expectation of privacy in a smart phone just because he failed to protect it with a passcode and left it unattended in a room full of police officers and others. And Andrea Matwyshyn, a professor at Northeastern University Law School, and Eric Goldman, Law Professor and Co-director of the High Tech Law Institute at Santa Clara University discuss federal judge, who took Facebook and its lawyers to task on Thursday in Brooklyn courtroom, saying that the social media giant might not be doing enough to stop terrorists from using the site as a communications platform. U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis told the courtroom that it "is outrageous, irresponsible and insulting," asking "Doesn’t Facebook have some moral obligation to help cabin the kinds of communications that appear on it?" They speak with Bloomberg Law hosts June Grasso and Michael Best on Bloomberg Radio’s "Bloomberg Law."

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Published in: Multimedia , facebook , terrorism , Privacy