Stanford CIS

CEIPI Opinion on a EU Proposal for a Neighboring Right for Press Publishers Online

By Giancarlo Frosio on

At CEIPI, I have co-authored with Christophe Geiger and Oleksandr Bulayenko a position paper discussing the proposed introduction in EU law of neighboring rights for press publishers for the digital uses of their publications. The proposal is included in the European Commission’s Draft Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market of September 14, 2016. Below you find the summary of the paper:

Among its key features, the European Commission’s planned copyright reform proposes to introduce in EU copyright law neighbouring rights for press publishers.  This proposal is (i) contrary to the objective of creating a Digital Single Market, (ii) detrimental for authors’ interests, and (iii) does not solve any systemic issues of the EU copyright system for the reasons stated below.

The CEIPI Opinion is available here.