Stanford CIS

Konomark and Decoupage – Who’d Have Thunk It?

By Eric E. Johnson on

One of the coolest konomark requests I've received so far came from Judi Pennella, who sought permission to use a photo of mine to decoupage a play kitchen cabinet for her 2-year-old granddaughter.

The photo is of a burner on an electric stove (below right). You can see in the picture she sent me (right), how she used it to make a simulated range.

Konomark is my project with CIS to create a simple way for people to signal their willingness to receive requests for re-use of photos or other copyrighted content on a no-fee basis.

Judi found my photo on Flickr and then e-mailed me to ask permission to decoupage it.

If Judi had just used the photo without contacting me, I would, of course, never have known about it. And as a legal matter, she would have had a strong case that re-using the photo in this way is legally privileged as fair use. After all, it is highly transformative, as well as being entirely noncommercial. But that aside, it's nice that she reached out to me, because it allows me to see how useful it was for me to take a quick picture of my father-in-law's stove and post it online.

(Please note: The photo of the cabinet and girl is © the Pennella family, used with permission. Unlike other content on this site, it is not subject to a Creative Commons license.)