Stanford CIS

More State Developments on Autonomous Vehicles

By Bryant Walker Smith on

Nevada's Department of Motor Vehicles has continued its rulemaking process for autonomous vehicles by announcing a public hearing on its draft regulations. [Update: The final regulation is available in the Nevada Register. I have offline copies of the drafts.]

Meanwhile, a member of Florida's House has introduced a bill (HB 1207) that would (1) explicitly permit the operation, under certain circumstances, of "[v]ehicles equipped with autonomous technology ... for the purpose of testing the technology" and (2) direct that state's Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to "prepare a report relating to the safe operation of vehicles equipped with autonomous technology on public roads," including "recommended legislative action and proposed department rules." A state Senator has introduced a parallel bill (SB 1768) that would require only "a report relating to the safe operation of vehicles equipped with autonomous technology on public roads."