Arizona and Oklahoma Legislators Introduce Autonomous Driving Bills
And now both Arizona (with the introduction of HB 2679) and skyoneering Oklahoma (with the introduction of HB 3007).…
And now both Arizona (with the introduction of HB 2679) and skyoneering Oklahoma (with the introduction of HB 3007).…
Six state representatives in Hawaii have introduced a bill (HB 2238) that would direct that state's "director of transportation, in consultation with t…
Nevada's Department of Motor Vehicles has continued its rulemaking process for autonomous vehicles by announcing a public hearing on its draft regulations.…
Nevada's rulemaking process for autonomous driving continues. For the latest version of the draft regulations and information about public workshops in Dece…
In June, CIS reported Nevada's enactment of AB 511, which directs the state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to "adopt regulations authorizing…
According to the Nevada Legislature's website, AB 511 "revis[ing] certain provisions governing transportation" passed the Assembly (36-6) and the…
Is it lawful for a car to drive itself? In the absence of any law to the contrary, it should well be. A new bill is working its way through the Nevada state leg…