Stanford CIS

Pirates and Hollywood

By Balazs Bodo on

I am researching for my talk to be delivered to the International Intellectual Property Program at Chicago-Kent Law School.

This is how I have found what I believe might be the real message of Hollywood to its customers. It is not the oft quoted rant of Jack Valenti about the Boston strangler, but something screenwriters, producers, actors, directors and the rest have to say to the millions of people worldwide.

Perhaps on the rare occasion,
pursuing the right course...
...demands an act of piracy...

Piracy itself can be
the right course?

Excerpt from the movie The Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl.

For the (not so) rare occasions where piracy can be the right course see:
Bodo Balazs: Robin Hood Digital

Published in: Blog , piracy , hollywood