Stanford CIS

Balazs Bodo

Non-Residential Fellow

Bodó Balázs (1975), economist, assistant lecturer, researcher at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Sociology and Communications, Center for Media Research and Education. He was a Fulbright Visiting Researcher at Stanford Law School in 2006/7.He is a Fellow at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford. He is the project lead for Creative Commons Hungary and a member of the National Copyright Expert Group.His academic interests include copyright and economics, piracy, media regulation, peer-to-peer communities, underground libraries, digital archives. He has advised several public and private institutions on development projects of digital archives, content distribution, online communities, business development.

Recent articles


Media Piracy in Emerging Economies

Media Piracy in Emerging Economies is a new, comprehensive study on the impact and role of piracy on/in some of the biggest developing countries: Brazil, Russia…


Lessig joins RIAA board of directors

Here are some of the April Fool's news from the file-sharing universe. The scary thing is, that they are (or should be) all real alternatives, and each and…


Pirates and Hollywood

I am researching for my talk to be delivered to the International Intellectual Property Program at Chicago-Kent Law School. This is how I have found what I bel…


It’s not the technology, stupid

I had an AHAAA moment last night reading Martha Woodmansee’s „ The Author, Art, and the Market”. She writes „As my sketch of writers’ struggles suggests, eighte…



In the last few weeks I bumped into several articles addressing the question why people feel OK to up- and download mp3s despite all the laws and legal threats,…


Please see my research blog at, where i post news clipping from the world of intellectual property and file-sharing daily.…