I've been thinking about the New Year and new projects. Here are some thoughts. I feel like I've been quite neglectful on this site. This will all change with the New Year. Here is what I'm planning to concentrate my time:I would like to start collecting copyright stories from students, scholars, and teachers, both success and struggles. I am trying to work out a way to do this. Right now, if you have stories you would like to share, you can email me directly at elizabeth at towsend dot net. I am particularly interested in experiences in acquiring permissions, using fair use instead of permissions, and any snags using material in the public domain. I am interested in both traditional projects (monographs, articles, the classroom) as well as digital and internet projects. Please let me know if I can share these stories with others, and if so, if you prefer to remain anon.
I am also starting to look at fair use and blogging, and how bloggers seem to play by different rules, in a good way. I will keep you posted on what I find.
I am continuing my work on the unpublished public domain, which I will post on this site as well as on academiccopyright.typepad.com.
Finally, I am continuing work on my larger project, COPYRIGHT AND A SCHOLAR'S WORK. I will post useful material when I come across it.