Stanford CIS
Elizabeth Townsend Gard

Elizabeth Townsend Gard

Affiliate Scholar

I have now been a non-resident fellow at CIS since 2004. My work currently looks at copyright duration in a comparative and international context, and with the help of my brilliant students at Tulane, we are building a software tool --the Durationator -- to make usable the past once more. We hope to have it complete and available for use sometime in the Fall 2008.

Recent articles


The Copyright Mavericks

"Townsend-Gard dreams of a world where librarians and researchers and students don’t have to waste time on copyright determinations. “I really believe that…


Guest Blogging at Terra Nova

Just a quick post to say that I will be guest blogging at Terra Nova this month.  I, along with my 2L research assistant, Rachel Goda, will be discussing our cu…



I've been awarded a Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellowship for 2005-06 at the London School of Economics.  This will give me time to work on my project COPYRI…