Stanford CIS

You Shouldn't Be Afraid of that Killer Volkswagen Robot


"Headlines rang out across the internet yesterday that a robot killed someone in Germany. Beneath the sensationalist surface, there was a tragic truth: an industrial robot at a Volkswagen plant in Germany had indeed killed a 22-year-old worker who was setting it up. Coverage notwithstanding, this didn’t seem like the start of a machine-led apocalypse--I wanted a second opinion before heading to my backyard bunker. Ryan Calo is a law professor at the University of Washington, and he’s published academic works on our coming robot future, and the interaction between robots and cyberlaw.

I sent Calo some questions by email, and below have paired them with his responses. I’ve also added links, where appropriate.

Ryan Calo: In the United States alone, about one person per year is killed by an industrial robot. The Department of Labor keeps a log of such events with titles like "Employee Is Killed When Crushed By Robot" (2006) or "Employee Was Killed By Industrial Robots" (2004)."

Read the full interview at Popular Science.

Published in: Press , Robotics