Stanford CIS

When Rape Is Broadcast Live On The Internet


"Daphne Keller, the director of intermediary liability at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, recognises that the current systems in place for flagged content are slow, and says it would be “sensible” for companies to prioritise live video over older content to some degree.

“If someone thinks they are seeing a crime in the moment, like rape, it makes sense for that content to go to the front of the queue,” Keller told BuzzFeed. “But the complaint system is slow, manual, and gets a lot of spam, so if you’re processing that while trying to address a real emergency in real-time, you’re faced with a lot of complications.”

Keller says that even when a company comes across illegal content, the problem isn’t removing it – that part, she says, is easy. The issue is knowing what to do next.

“If you’re one of these companies, and you know this illegal thing is going on, taking it down isn’t hard – getting content off the internet is almost secondary in that situation. Instead, the high priority is to do what you can to let the local law enforcement know what’s going on. If you are a user and you see a live feed of crime, the first thing you want to happen is to alert the local police of where it’s happening, if the location is known.

Companies can make that easier. Keller says the reporting system could have an option for ‘urgent reaction’ in live video."

Published in: Press , Intermediary Liability