Stanford CIS

UW Resilience Lab hosts talk about cyber aggression’s toxic effects


"Speakers for the event were Ellen Taylor, associate vice president for Student Life, and Danielle Citron, professor of law at Maryland University and author of “Hate Crimes in Cyberspace.”

During her keynote speech, Citron emphasized the targeting of women and the sexualization that comes alongside it. She noted that women in their 20s are most vulnerable to this form of victimization.

Specifically, Citron cited a pattern of young women having private nude imagery shared by past partners online with personal information attached. This sort of attack is open to public scrutiny and in particular, to future employers. She emphasized the harm to economic opportunities.

“People have a hard time getting and maintaining jobs,” Citron said. “It makes people withdraw from something that is so central in how we get jobs and communicate with one another.”"

Published in: Press , online harassment , Privacy