Self-Driving Cars

A green light in California this week for self-driving cars.  Not flooding the highways yet, no.  But on their way.  Cars where your hands are not on the wheel.  Your foot not on the brake.  Cars that will take you – one day, we’re told – where you want to go.  You snooze, they cruise… someday.

For now, it’s a mix of your eyes and theirs.  But everybody’s pushing for the whole enchilada.  Cadillac, Audi, BMW, Toyota, Google – yes, Google.  For some its sounds dreamy.  For some, unnerving.  And if they speed, or crash, who gets the ticket?
This hour, On Point:  here come the self-driving cars.
Tom Vanderbilt, author of Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us).
Alberto Broggi, professor of computer engineering at the University of Parma
Bryant Walker Smith, a lecturer at Stanford Law School.