(English translation.) "In countries where these cars are planned there are loopholes that need to be resolved, recognizes the lawyer Bryant Walker Smith of Stanford University. Among various dilemmas is who will be responsible in case of impact: if the person is in the vehicle or the manufacturer. According to the professional, today 90% of car accidents rooted in human error.These errors could be reduced with autonomous vehicles, but also could have failures. One of the biggest dilemmas is who is responsible if the autonomous vehicle collides with another standard at a crossing, because the latter did not respect a must stop. To counsel, the answer is both, because although the conventional vehicle not respect the law, automated possesses a certain number of sensors that warn the proximity of another vehicle.""
To read the full article in spanish visit: http://www.elpais.com.uy/vida-actual/seguridad-chofer-respetan-leyes-via...
- Date Published:02/18/2015
- Original Publication:El Pais