Stanford CIS

New data privacy law gives Californians new way to sue over breaches


"However, because many large global companies already comply with similar restrictions under a major new European digital privacy law that took effect in May, the new California law will have limited impact, according to some experts. It will really affect only those domestic data brokers and retailers that collect customer information but don’t currently disclose much about what they do with it, said Jonathan Mayer, an assistant professor at Princeton University who researches consumer privacy and technology."

"“Deletion is not straightforward on the back end for a company,” said Jen King of the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, who has researched consumer privacy issues. “Having to show you’re complying with however they define deletion is not simple. A company with large amounts of data like Google has data distributed across many databases. To have someone say, ‘I want you to delete me,’ can take a while before someone’s data is thoroughly purged from backup data.”"

Published in: Press , Privacy