Stanford CIS

Nevada state law paves the way for driverless cars


Ryan Calo, CIS Director of Privacy and Robotics, blog on the passage of the Nevada autonomous driving bill is mentioned in this Financial Post article by Christine Dobby.

Nevada appears ready to gamble on driverless cars, with the state’s recent passage of a law permitting the use of “autonomous vehicles.”

The law, Assembly Bill 511 [PDF], which the Governor approved on June 16, defines these as motor vehicles that use artificial intelligence, sensors and GPS co-ordinates to drive themselves with no human intervention.

Google Inc. has been pushing the idea of driverless cars and Standford University’s Sebastian Thrun, director of institution’s artificial intelligence lab, works with the company on its project. He says his team has driven 140,000 miles on California roads using the prototype cars.


Ryan Calo, director of the Centre for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, said in a blog post this appears to be the first law to officially sanction the technology. In an April post, Mr. Calo suggested that New York Times reporter John Markoff’s October 2010 coverage of Google’s driverless cars and its efforts to lobby the Nevada government may have sparked the law.

Published in: Press , Robotics