"Bryant Walker Smith, a scientist at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, describes an additional challenge: At the end of the programmers will also need to differentiate between moral and legal responsibility. "An autonomous vehicle is ultimately just a tool. Manufacturers and driver can be held liable after an accident. The driver, if he deliberately the car programmed incorrectly or not properly monitored. Or the manufacturer if he installs a defective part."
The liability is incredibly complicated . A person can be morally responsible, for example, but not legally. "In my opinion, the fundamental ethical question is this:.. Autonomous Vehicles in Europe every year thousands of people die in accidents have a great potential to reduce this figure one day only includes the path to it more errors, crashes and deaths," says Smith. The bad news but sounds through in all the judgments: Automation mean no end to the uncertainty in traffic."
Read the full article in German at Zeit Online.
- Date Published:08/23/2014
- Original Publication:Zeit Online