Stanford CIS

How Apple will fight the DOJ in iPhone backdoor crypto case


"What's more, it has played a part in copyright piracy cases. In a forthcoming law journal article,Annemarie Bridy, a law professor at the University of Idaho, writes that "some courts granting broad preliminary orders against non-parties in 'pirate site' cases have cited the All Writs Act as a source of authority."

However, Bridy, the University of Idaho law professor, told Ars on Wednesday that Apple will likely attack each of the government’s arguments head-on.

First, Apple probably will argue that it is, in fact, removed from the case at hand and should not be forced to assist.

"Long ago when Apple put that phone in the stream of commerce, it gave up any proprietary interest in that phone," she said."

Published in: Press , apple , FBI , All Writs Act , Privacy