Stanford CIS

Feds Say They’ll Count Computers As Human Drivers


"“This letter will one day be in a museum of technology history—or at least legal history,” says Bryant Walker Smith, an assistant professor at the University of South Carolina School of Law and affiliate scholar at the Center for Internet and Society, who studies self-driving vehicles. But “where technology meets law, the devil is in the details.”

And boy, are there a lot of details. Title 49, Subtitle B, Chapter V, Part 571 of the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, “Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards,” is a thousand-page monster that lays out, with excruciating precision, the standards manufacturers must follow for any passenger car (or bus, or motorcycle) they intend to sell. Those rules are “arguably anachronistic,” Walker Smith says, but that doesn’t mean they’re easy to update."

Published in: Press , Autonomous Driving , Robotics