Stanford CIS

The Cybersecurity 202: Privacy advocates want Congress to fix gaps in Carpenter ruling


"What does that mean for a shorter period? Not clear, said Albert Gidari, consulting director of privacy at the Stanford Law Center for Internet and Society.

“So can the government just ask for 6 days with a subpoena or court order,” he wrote in a blog post. “You can bet that will be litigated in the coming years, but the real question is what will mobile carriers do in the meantime — it could be a long wait for an appellate court to see a criminal defendant whose conviction rests on 6 days of location data, and in the meantime, it could be tomorrow when a carrier discloses a week of location data on less than a warrant.”"

"“I think Carpenter will be seen as a landmark case for civil liberties protections in the digital age,” said Elizabeth Joh, a criminal law professor at UC Davis School of Law. “But, Carpenter opens up many questions … There is quite likely to be disagreement among judges about how broadly Carpenter’s rationale applies beyond the government’s collection of historical cellphone location data.”"